Peace Child & Never The Same!

books_002Come join us Sunday evening on February 2nd from 7:00-8:00 pm for a movie night with a missionary emphasis.

PEACE CHILD: The notable and inspiring story of Don and Carol Richardson and their missionary work in the remote jungles of the Southwest Pacific. They are shocked when the story of Judas’ betrayal of Jesus makes him a hero to a primitive people who revere treachery. When inter-tribal warfare breaks out, a chief offers his son as the means of bringing peace, making the Gospel understandable as these new missionaries discover the Peace Child. A heartwarming story that provides valuable insight into modern missions.
never-the-same1NEVER THE SAME: Their story was immortalized in the best-selling book Peace Child and a feature film of the same name, inspiring a new generation to take the gospel to the remaining isolated tribes of the earth.

These long-isolated people were headhunters and cannibals. Don and his family lived among them for seven months, learning their language and customs. Much time had been spent pressing them to make peace despite their training for violence, and urging them to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and peacemaker. He had come close to despair of never reaching his goals, so pervasive was the hostility.

Fifty years later, Steve joins his father, Don, and two brothers, Shannon and Paul, to visit the Sawi village where they grew up. What is the state of the church they planted among the Sawi? Are the friends they played with still alive? Will anyone remember the mark their family left on the tribe?   Journey with Don’s son Steve as he travels to the swamps of Papua, Indonesia, to introduce you to the Sawi, and explore the impact of the gospel among a previously unreached people group.