Sunday School Begins!

Sunday School begins

Welcome back to Sunday School!

September 7th marks the beginning of a new Sunday School year. What a great opportunity to learn more about the grace of God in Jesus Christ. The Sunday School Opening for both adults and children takes place in the church sanctuary with a short invocation, song, offering and prayer together before breaking into our separate classes. Below is a list of Sunday School classes with teachers.

Sunday, September 7
9:45 a.m.

Classes for everyone including:

Age 0-3
with Christy Evison and Jennifer Duran

Pre-school and Kindergarten
with Donna Soderstrom

Grades 1 & 2
with Carrie Axelson and Morgan Smith

Grades 3 & 4
with Mike McKim

Grades 5-7
with Lorraine Johnson and Shirley Wharton

Grades 8-12
with Mio and Mishele Rhein

with Chris Rose

All invited!